VT-SGI is hiring full-time armed security officers, starting at $35.11 per hour + $5.35 per hour for Health and Welfare up to 40 hours. Officers who fulfill their 90-day probationary period will become represented by UGSOA Local 20 and are able to bid on available posts plus receive all other benefits of afforded by the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
To qualify, candidates must be one or more of the following:
- Honorably discharged veteran with 2 years of service
- 2 years law enforcement
- 2 years armed security officer
There are other requirements, such as passing a background check, demonstrable proficiency with a semi-automatic pistol and minimal physical requirements in mobility, vision and hearing.
Please use the form below to contact our hiring manager who can provide greater details and help determine if you are a candidate. If you were referred to this opportunity by one of our employees, please give us their name.
We are an equal opportunity employer.
VT-SGI is hiring experienced armed guards, veterans and law enforcement officers.